Driving sustainability through design
Through research, innovation, and collaboration, the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities is promoting holistic change within the built environment. Discover our Center.Using design-centric strategy to develop processes, systems, and products
Our researchers and faculty focus on four interrelated areas of research: design and operation, high-performance materials and construction, technology adoption and diffusion, and sustainable planning. Learn about our research.Creating and improving sustainable, high-performance buildings and cities
HouseZero, the Center’s headquarters, is a pre-1940s house in Cambridge, MA that was retrofitted into an ultra-efficiency, healthy, positive energy structure and lab with ambitious performance targets. Explore HouseZero.

Holly Samuelson, Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities core research faculty...

HouseZero: A Zero Energy Retrofit
Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities...

Center Spotlight: Rachel Meltzer
For Rachel Meltzer, all roads lead back to the city.

Research Spotlight: Older People, Places, and Climate Change
While the climate is changing, the global population is...

Center Spotlight: Holly Samuelson
How do we protect vulnerable populations from the...
- Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities spotlights sampling of faculty findings during Climate Action Week: https://t.co/omveXkma4P 11:42:23 AM May 22, 2023
- Inside HouseZero™, a team of researchers are conducting a number of experiments related to improved building design… https://t.co/J2aF4d0E1O 11:11:09 AM May 17, 2023
- Introducing...STORIES! Learn more about members of our Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities (CGBC) team an… https://t.co/VsO47wxoBa 01:36:30 PM May 05, 2023
- Great to have Prof Hanif Kara at the Center to present "Sustainable Practice Concerns" and share firsthand experien… https://t.co/sm07phWLKV 02:37:28 PM April 28, 2022
- "Buildings are one of the most cost-effective opportunities to abate carbon." Assoc Prof Holly Samuelson gives a ke… https://t.co/pt4zWOlHzR 01:54:21 PM April 27, 2022
- PI Asst Prof Pablo Pérez-Ramos presents research that analyzed agricultural landscapes in arid regions to produce a… https://t.co/jXp9M01Vn6 05:10:03 PM April 20, 2022
- PI Asst Prof Carole Voulgaris shares research on evaluation of existing applications & methods for estimating site-… https://t.co/5lonhVkDVI 04:57:40 PM April 20, 2022