CGBC Fellows

Mayuri Rajput, PhD
Mayuri is a fellow and lecturer at the Center for Green Buildings and Cities. She completed her doctoral studies at Georgia Institute of Technology where she examined the impact of urbanization on the outcomes of building simulation and the uncertainties induced in its performance predictions. She has also used urban building simulations to gauge the impact of weather in context of making urban policy decisions. As a Graduate Research Assistant, she assumed the lead role in building a customized simulation platform for modeling heat stress in residential building stock in the cities of Atlanta, Detroit and Phoenix for the current and future climate conditions. Titled the Three City Heat and Electrical Failure Adaptation Study (3HEAT), the results of this NSF funded project have been published in over 20 peer-reviewed articles and featured in the New York Times and on CBS News. She has an extensive background in Energy with her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering respectively. She is interested in the building performance evaluation in changing climate, urban building simulations and grid interactive buildings.