On Tuesday, May 3, 2016, academicians and practitioners featured at CGBC’s 2015 Fall Conference: Sustainability in Scandinavia will meet in Oslo to work on a joint publication and present a selection of new case-studies at the Oslo School of Architecture of Design. The public program will take place from 9:00-11:00am in the Sverre Fehn Auditorium (Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo). Featured presentations include:
An introduction from Ali Malkawi, Founding Director, Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities
Tine Hegli, Snøhetta
The Nydalen Torg Project: Aiming for natural climatization of large buildings.
Cathrine Vigander, Element Architects
The Green House: Urban integration, “green” facades, and green roof.
Sara Grahn, White Architects
Katsan [White´s office building]: Integrated design for sustainability and adaptability.
Thomas Nørgaard, Christensen & Co Architects
DTU COMPUTE: A low energy campus center combining density and transparency.
Stig Mikkelsen, Mikkelsen Architects
Damesalen at the University of Copenhagen: Increasing the performance while reducing the thickness of of the building envelope.
Søren Nielsen, Vandkunsten Architects
The Almen + Model: Prefabricated social housing redefined.
Peter Andreas Sattrup, Ph.D, Senior Advisor in Sustainability
The Radiohuset Building: Scandinavian modernism proven to be sustainable.
More information here. View the event poster here. View photos from the event here.
The 2015 CGBC Fall Conference: Sustainability in Scandinavia highlighted green buildings and communities across Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and unraveled a unique regional practice that integrates technology, culture, and design. Through the presentation of case studies and proven concepts, leading academicians and practitioners from the region discussed how they’ve pushed the limits of this approach to define and pioneer the cutting edge within an advanced regulatory framework. Read more and watch videos from the event here.