Book launch events for Sustainability in Scandinavia: Architectural Design and Planning will be hosted by the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) in early October. The book is a collaboration between the Harvard Center of Green Buildings and Cities and the schools of architecture in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo, and was edited by Ali Malkawi, Marius Nygaard, Anne Beim, and Erik Stenberg. The book includes chapters by Scandinavian architects, who have written about environmental aspects of their work, and will present on these concepts at the launch events. A book summary is available here.
On October 5th, an event will take place at the AHO’s Sverre Fehn Auditorium. The event will include an introduction from Professor Malkawi and presentations from four authors on the significance of the book’s themes and selected projects. It will conclude with a panel discussion about the evolution and content of the book, and sustainability in architecture.
Date/Time: Friday, October, 5, 2018 from 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: AHO, Sverre Fehn Auditorium, Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo
Introductory Speaker: Ali Malkawi, Professor of Architectural Technology at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Founding Director of the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities
Presenters: David Leatherbarrow, Professor of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design; Cathrine Vigander, Partner of Element Architects; Tine Hegli, Professor of Architecture at AHO and Senior Architect at Snøhetta; Siv Helene Stangeland, Founding Partner of Helen & Hard
Panel Moderator: Thomas McQuillan, Leader of the Institute of Architecture at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Details available here.
On October 8th, a launch event will take place at the Hal C in Copenhagen near the KADK. The editors will provide an introduction, and authors will present various case studies and discuss the future of architecture in the context of sustainability. A panel discussion will conclude the event.
Date/Time: Monday, October 8, 2018 from 3:30pm-6:00pm
Location: Hal C, Arsenalvej 6, 1436 København K
Welcome Speaker: Jacob Brandtberg Knudsen, Head of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture
Introductory Speakers: Ali Malkawi, Professor of Architectural Technology at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Founding Director of the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities; Marius Nygaard, Professor at AHO; Anne Beim, Professor at KADK, and Head of the Centre for Industrialized Architecture (CINARK)
Presenters: David Leatherbarrow, Professor of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design; Tine Hegli, Professor of Architecture at AHO and Senior Architect at Snøhetta; Søren Nielsen, Vandkunsten Architects; Thomas Nørgaard, CCO Architects; Stig Mikkelsen, Mikkelsen Architects; Peter Andreas Sattrup, Danish Association of Architecture Firms
Details available here.