Faculty Research

In line with the research conducted in the CGBC related to its four dimensions (Design and Operation, High Performance Materials and Construction, Technology Adoption and Diffusion, and Sustainable Planning), CGBC core and affiliated faculty conduct research, funded by the Center, at both building and urban scales.

The intent of CGBC faculty research is to extend our collective thinking on the ways in which humans live together in settings that range from the metropolitan to the rural, the various support systems that are required to allow humans to thrive, and the various ways these systems can be reconsidered to more fully address the environmental challenges ahead. All of our faculty contribute to the core mission of the Center: to transform the building industry through a commitment to design-centric strategy that directly links research outcomes to the development of new processes, systems, and products.


2024 Projects


2023 Projects


2022 Projects


2021 Projects


2020 Projects


2019 Projects