The CGBC will hold bi-weekly Research and Innovation Talks to provide a forum for collaboration within the Center, and so that select guests can learn more about current projects. As we have limited space, please RSVP to [email protected] if you’d like to attend.
Date: Tuesday, September 23rd
Time: 11:00AM
Location: The Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities
Presentation: Salmaan Craig on “Heat Exchanging Elements for Low Exergy Buildings”
Sal’s project investigates the application of heat exchanger theory to the field of architecture, with a special emphasis on materials selection and design. The main premise is that today’s range of building components are lacking in one key aspect: they do not allow us to take full advantage of local, low-grade heat sources, which on the one hand, are free and close to comfort temperature, yet on the other hand, are highly dispersed and difficult to put to use. The key to tapping these resources is to make the different interfaces of a building operate as locally turned heat exchangers. These new elements- if they are to have any chance of being adopted by the construction industry – must be cheap and adaptable to local circumstance.