
CGBC Research & Innovation Talk: Open HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnostics for Smart Buildings

The Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities will present a series of Research & Innovation Talks. Given by members of the CGBC Research Team, talks will highlight and discuss projects underway at the Center.

On Tuesday, September 27th, CGBC Post Doctoral Fellow Wenbo Shi will present: “Design and Implementation of Open HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnostics for Smart Buildings”

1:15 pm – 2:15pm
20 Sumner Road, Room 1D
Lunch will be provided.
Talks are open to members of the Harvard community. Space is limited. Please RSVP to Jeff Fitton ([email protected]).

Wenbo Shi, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Fellow »
wenbo_webWenbo’s research interests primarily involve the smart grid area including algorithms and systems for managing smart homes, smart buildings, or microgrids with renewables, energy storage units, and various smart loads. His research has been published in top engineering journals and one of his papers is constantly ranked as one of the most popular articles online within IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Wenbo has a Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, an M.A.Sc. degree from the University British Columbia, and BS from Xi’an Jiaotong University.